Donations & Tax Receipts

What is a charitable donation? What qualifies for receiving a charitable donation tax receipt from CADORA Inc.? Here are the guidelines:

CADORA Inc. is a “registered Canadian amateur athletic association” and has been since 1981.

Donations made to CADORA Inc. may be claimed as a deduction by each donor when calculating his or her taxable income each year.

What is a donation?

(1) CADORA Inc. offers tax receipts for only monetary donations and for a minimum amount of $20.00.

(2) Donations must be made by an individual (or individual business), and the cheque must be made payable to “CADORA Inc.” and sent by mail to the Financial Officer (Mr. D. Rosensweig, 641 rue Charlevoix, Montreal, QC, H3K 2X8).

(3) If the donor indicates that the donation is specifically for a local Cadora club or event, the amount donated will then be forwarded by cheque to the local club, less an administration fee of 5% of the total amount. (In the event that the donor makes the donation through the local club, payment must conform with the procedure in item 2).

(4) Tax receipts to each donor will be forwarded no later than February of the following calendar year, and in most cases, will be forwarded immediately after the donation is received.

What is not considered a donation?

Anything other than a monetary donation will not qualify for a tax receipt.
This includes:

  • Donation of Services (e.g: veterinary services, farrier services);
  • Donation of Goods (e.g: riding equipment);
  • Gift certificates (eg: a free day at the spa);
  • Donations on behalf of another organization or charity (e.g: provincial Cadora group donates money to CADORA Inc. to sponsor an award);
  • Any donation where the receipt would be in any name other than the donor himself (e.g: donation made to a local group which then forwards its own cheque to CADORA Inc.).

These are the guidelines for CADORA Inc. charitable donation receipts. Complete detailed information is available on the Canada Revenue Agency’s website ( For any further information please e-mail me at: and it will be my pleasure to answer any questions you have.


David Rosensweig
Financial Officer, CADORA Inc. & Cadora-Ontario



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